Více informací viz., Forrester Wave:
- Enterprise ETL, Q2 2007: Oracle Is A Leader In Enterprise ETL With A Free, Bundled Solution For Its DBMS
- Enterprise ETL, Q2 2007
Licence na Oracle Warehouse Builderu (OWB) je od verze 10gR2 součástí každé edice Oracle databáze (tedy Standard Edition One, Standard Edition a Enterprise Edition), tzn. Oracle Warehouse Builder je zdarma (dříve byl součástí balíku Oracle Developer Suite v ceně $5.000,-).
Navíc pro Enterprise edici databáze jsou k dispozici tři placené "Options", které dále rozšiřují "Core" funkcionalitu OWB, a to Enterprise ETL Option (využívání Enterprise funkcionality databáze), Data Quality Option (zajištění datové kvality) a ERP/CRM Connectors (konektory do ERP a CRM aplikací).
Tento týden byla uvolněna nová verze Oracle Warehouse Builder 11g Release 1, zatím je dostupná pouze pro Linux. A co přináší nového? Mezi její nejdůležitější vlastnosti určitě bude patřit:
- The major change is the inclusion of Warehouse Builder in the default 11g database installation. Every Oracle Database customer will get Oracle's market-leading ETL capabilities right out of the box, with no extra effort.
- Availability of Siebel Connector, 11g Gateway support, and 11g Database support
- Simplified installation (incorporating installation of Oracle Workflow) and repository/workspace management
- Improved performance tuning (explain plan support, statistics gathering and SQL tuning advisor)
- Enhanced SQL Generation (advanced aggregation support, DML error logging in mappings)
- Better dimensional support (hierarchy versioning, more advanced binding options)
- Better support for federation (graphical creation of views including materialized views, full impact analysis and lineage, read/write support for more sources through new gateways)
Erik Eckhardt
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